Project Freedom aims to reclaim voter focus by highlighting real-world consequences of Project 2025’s anti-Democracy policies, offering a path forward. Together we will mobilize communities of color to vote and be civically engaged utilizing canvassing, phone-banking, digital and influencer programs and more to fully realize the promise of Democracy in America.


Until Freedom, Live Free, Faith for Black Lives, Woke Vote, and KAIROS DEMOCRACY PROJECT have joined forces to launch Project Freedom, the people-focused answer to conservatives’ startlingly bleak and unabashedly racist Project 2025.

Project Freedom demands our Freedom to Live, Freedom to Learn, Freedom to Vote and Freedom to Thrive.

We need your support now more than ever.

Please note that donations to this Campaign will flow through KAIROS Democracy Project, a non-partisan 501c4, and will be gifted to Our Project Freedom to engage voters nationally.